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HomeTaiwan HPS3.0

Taiwan HPS

Practice and Sustainability

    In response to the MOE`s 2020 Competency-Based Learning Program and the WHO and UNESCO`s Global Standards for Health-Promoting Schools, Taiwan`s HPS Initiative aims to develop local characteristics while incorporating international development trends. In 2019, the HPA commissioned Professor Fu-li Chen and her research team at Fu Jen Catholic University to develop the standards for Taiwan`s HPS 3.0 as part of the Health Promoting School International Network project. The preliminary framework is based on the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the global framework for HPS, key literature on local and international HPS, research findings from the 2019 international accreditation program for HPS, and insights from local and international experts and practitioners in HPS. In 2021, the drafting of the framework and implementation standards for Taiwan`s HPS 3.0 was completed.

    Taiwan`s HPS 3.0 emphasizes practice and sustainability, aiming to ensure the health of all schoolteachers and students. Its implementation settings, standards, and context are as follows.

1. Implementation settings: HPS 3.0 starts as early as kindergarten and extends through university, connecting the learning, growth, and development of students throughout the school years.

2. Implementation standards: Previously focused on the six standards at the school level only, HPS 3.0 places increased emphasis on policy, leadership, and management at the government level, as well as a whole-school approach to health promotion governance, whole-school engagement, community partnerships, and whole-person health and well-being at the school level.

3. Context: HPS 3.0 incorporates Taiwan`s education policies and practices as well as international HPS standards to showcase Taiwan`s characteristics.

The Eight Standards

    The overall standards for Taiwan`s HPS 3.0 comprise two levels, eight standards, and the corresponding content, as depicted in the diagram below.

    In 2021, schools underwent trial evaluations based on the preliminary framework and implementation standards for Taiwan`s HPS 3.0. Promotion and advocacy activities were conducted in collaboration with county and city education and health units as well as schools.
3. 八大標準圖_英文版

Feature Award Program

    Starting from 2023, the HPA and K-12 Education Administration will jointly organize the Health Promoting School Feature Award Program annually. The initiative aims to introduce HPS 3.0 to all schools across Taiwan and to encourage them to implement health promotion strategies.

    The awards program will apply the eight standards and distinctive characteristics of HPS 3.0 as evaluation criteria, establishing awards for recognizing excellence and special achievements. This framework is designed to incentivize schools in counties and cities to adopt new generation standards and internalize healthy behaviors, thereby positively influencing families, communities, and workplaces. The long-term goal is to ensure the maintenance of campus health through these efforts.