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HomeTaiwan HPS3.0

Taiwan HPS

Practice and Sustainability

    In response to the Ministry of Education's 2020 Competency-Based Learning Program and the WHO and UNESCO's Global Standards for Health Promoting Schools, Taiwan's Health Promoting Schools (HPS) Initiative aims to develop local characteristics and incorporate international development trends. In 2019, the Health Promotion Administration commissioned Professor Fu-li Chen and her research team at Fu Jen Catholic University to develop Taiwan HPS 3.0 standards in the Health Promoting Schools International Network project. In 2020, the team drafted the preliminary framework of Taiwan HPS 3.0, its implementation standards and context based on the UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), the WHO's draft international standards framework for HPS, important literature on health promoting schools from home and abroad, and the results of the 2019 HPS International Accreditation Program empirical study, as well as viewpoints of HPS experts and school practitioners.

    Taiwan HPS 3.0 emphasizes practice and sustainability, aiming to take care of the health of all school teachers and students. We will describe its implementation settings, implementation standards and context as follows:
1. Implementation settings: Starting as early as kindergarten and extending upward to the university, Taiwan HPS 3.0 aims to connect learning, growth and development during the school years.

2. Implementation standards: Previously focused on the six standards at the school level only, HPS 3.0 places greater emphasis on policy, leadership and management at the government level, as well as a whole-school approach to health promotion governance, whole-school engagement, community partnerships, and whole-person health and well-being at the school level.

3. Context: HPS 3.0 is a combination of Taiwan's education policies and practices and the HPS development globally to showcase Taiwan's characteristics.

Taiwan HPS 3.0 is divided into two levels with eight standards. Its content is described as follows:

Standard 1:
Government resources and policies
Both central and local governments have demonstrated leadership, governance and management, a willingness to collaborate across departments to develop HPS policies, and a commitment of resources to advocate for HPS programs.

Standard 2:
School policies toward whole-school approach
The school is committed to developing a whole-school approach to HPS governance. A whole-school approach means that in addition to classroom instruction, the entire school community (including the principal, teachers, school administrators, other administrative staff, school volunteers, parents, students, etc.) works together to promote student learning, healthy behaviors and well-being through consensus and cooperation in all aspects of school life.

Standard 3:
School community and stakeholder engagement
All school members support and participate in the HPS program through a whole-school approach.

Standard 4:
School and community partnerships

In order to advocate HPS, the school works in partnership with the local community, engaging and collaborating in a whole-school approach.

Standard 5:
School curriculum incorporates health and wellbeing

Integrate or incorporate health promotion into formal and informal school curriculum in order to optimize student health and well-being.

Standard 6:
School physical environment

The school has built a healthy, safe, inclusive, and sustainable physical environment for the health of teachers and students.

Standard 7:
School social-emotional environment

The school fosters a supportive and inclusive social-emotional environment.

Standard 8: 
School health services and resources

To meet the healthcare needs of its teachers and students, the school is able to collaborate with local health resources to provide health services.

    Starting in 2021, a pilot evaluation will be conducted based on the preliminary framework of Taiwan HPS 3.0, its implementation standards and context. We will also advocate the new program among education and health agencies and schools.